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Image depicting Japanese Omakase strawberries could replace others!

Japanese Omakase strawberries could replace others!


Recommended for Agriculture

The Omakase berries come from Japan and are grown in greenhouses. This means that they are grown in tubes without soil. The tubes are filled with mist and liquid fertiliser.

In addition, the greenhouses are maintained in controlled conditions indoors. 

According to food experts, the Omakase berries are exceptionally tasty and melt in your mouth.

What is Hydroponic vertical farming?

In this method plants are grown on a surface that is tilted vertically.

These strawberries show what can be done with hydroponic farming in a vertical way.

The ‘Omakase” strawberries are Oishii Fruit Company’s most popular product. 

Key facts!

  • It has been found that strawberries are one of the crops that take to large-scale hydroponic farming quite well.
  • Also, it is also possible that the ability to grow strawberries at scale in controlled environments could be of great benefit to ecosystems.
  • This is because cultivating a crop at a large scale in a controlled environment leads to the efficient use of fertilizers.
  • The conditions where the berries were grown were manipulated to replicate the perfect weather of the Japanese Alps 24 hours a day.
  • But the Omakase is prohibitively expensive for the general public.
  • So the people behind the strawberry aspire to get the strawberries to supermarket scale.
  • At the moment they are trying to grow the business with the most expensive product possible in the hopes of expanding from there.
  • Because the Omakase strawberry is better than others, it has a large fan base.
  • Oishii Fruit Company hopes Omakase strawberries can revive enthusiasm in hydroponic farming.

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Check out how vertical farming makes perfect japanese strawberries.

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