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Joe Biden wins 2020 US presidential election


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The US presidential election was held on 3 November. After vote counting, Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden was declared the winner on Saturday.

There are 538 members of the Electoral College which elect the US President. Out of that, 270 electoral votes are required for a winning candidate.

Biden reached the winning number on Saturday by winning the state of Pennsylvania. In this election, Biden also won more than 75.3 million votes – the record for most votes in US history.

About Joe Biden

Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States. He is 77 years old and is the oldest president-elect in US history.

His term will start after an official ceremony on 20 January 2021. Till then, he will be known as president-elect.

Biden had earlier worked as the vice president under former President Barack Obama. He had also earlier run for president in 1988 and 2008 but was not successful.

Biden’s vice president will be California Senator Kamala Harris. Ms. Harris will be the first woman to be vice president. Not only that but she is also the first African American and first person of South Asian descent to be vice president.

Celebrations and protests erupted across the country after the declaration was made. It had been a close-fought election where the current President, Donald Trump has filed cases against the election process in some states.

This win is just the first step for Biden. He has a lot to deal with when he joins the office as the US is facing a huge crisis. It is the country most affected by COVID-19 and is facing a lot of economic problems.

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