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Image depicting Join PM Modi on an Epic Museum Exploration!

Join PM Modi on an Epic Museum Exploration!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, curious kids! Get ready for some museum magic! Guess what? Our very own Prime Minister Narendra Modi  inaugurated a mega museum expo on May 18!

It’s an exciting three-day event filled with cultural wonders and surprises. And here’s the best part – he’s unveiled a “virtual walkthrough” of a brand new national museum. How cool is that?

Important details

  • This mega event is called the International Museum Expo, and it’s a part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebration. It’s going to take place at Pragati Maidan, where more than 1,200 museums from India and other countries will be participating. Wow, that’s a lot of museums!
  • There will be three exhibitions to explore. One of them will showcase 75 amazing “star objects” from different museums across India. These objects can be original artefacts, replicas, or even digital versions. Isn’t it fascinating to see all these treasures in one place?
  • We’ve got international museums joining the fun too! The famous Victoria & Albert Museum from London, the Hopp Museum of Budapest, the Pushkin Museum of Russia, and even a museum from Abu Dhabi will be a part of this grand event.
  • It seems like this expo is not just about displaying artifacts. It’s also about starting a conversation about the importance of museums and their role in India’s cultural diplomacy. The organizers want museums to become cultural centers that connect people and promote our rich heritage.
  • But wait, there’s more! During the opening ceremony, our prime minister unveiled the expo’s mascot – a cute image of the prehistoric dancing girl from Mohenjo-daro. There will also be a graphic novel about museums, a directory of Indian museums, and a deck of cards featuring different museums in India.
  • And that’s not all! Our PM launched a “virtual walkthrough” of the upcoming National Museum at North Block and South Block. It’s like a sneak peek into the future museum. Plus, there is a super fun video game called ‘Indian Museum Tycoon’ that you can play on your phones. 
  • Get ready to embark on an adventure through history and culture at the International Museum Expo. It’s going to be a time of learning, excitement, and lots of fun.

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