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Image depicting Journey Back in Time: Amazing Swedish Petroglyphs!

Journey Back in Time: Amazing Swedish Petroglyphs!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, inquisitive reader! Guess what? Something really cool was found in Sweden! Imagine a big rock with pictures carved into it, just like drawings.

Well, that’s what happened! A group of scientists found about 40 of these special carvings on an old rocky island. These carvings are called petroglyphs, and they are super old, like 2,700 years old! Isn’t that amazing?

The petroglyphs were found on a big rock face that used to be part of an island. This means that the people who made the carvings had to be on a boat or a platform on the ice to do it. Can you imagine standing on a boat and carving into a rock? It must have been quite an adventure!

Important Details

  • The scientists were already looking for petroglyphs in the area, and they got really lucky when they found this special rock covered in moss. They saw some lines on it that looked like they were made by people, so they carefully removed the moss and found the petroglyphs underneath. The rock face was very steep, so they had to stand on a platform to study it.
  • The carvings show pictures of ships, people, and animals. There is even a really big ship that measures 13 feet long! Most of the petroglyphs are smaller, about 12 to 16 inches long. Can you imagine carving such tiny details into a rock?
  • To make these petroglyphs, people would hit hard stones against the rock face. This revealed a white layer underneath, making the carvings easy to see even from far away. The scientists think that maybe these carvings were used to show ownership, like saying, “Hey, this is our island!”
  • But there’s still a mystery. Nobody knows for sure why these carvings were made or what they mean. Some experts think that if the carvings were made close together in time, they might tell a story. Maybe the pictures were part of a big adventure!
  • The scientists found these petroglyphs in early May, and they are still studying them to learn more. It’s like being detectives, trying to unlock the secrets of the past. How exciting!
  • So, remember, the next time you see a big rock, it might have hidden stories carved into it, just waiting to be discovered. Isn’t history amazing?

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