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Image depicting Kashi Vishwanath Corridor, a symbol of emerging India's spiritual soul

Kashi Vishwanath Corridor, a symbol of emerging India


Recommended for Middle Grades

Kashi Vishwanath Corridor, a symbol of emerging India

India’s spiritual soul

On 14th December, our honourable prime minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the Kashi-Vishwanath Corridor in the holy city of Varanasi. This connects the Kashi Vishwanath temple to the banks along the holy river of Ganga.

In its first phase, the corridor is spread across an area of 5 lakh square feet.

Pilgrims rejoice

The Kashi Vishwanath Corridor provides ease of movement to people (pilgrims, devotees, locals) between the ghats and the temples. Earlier people had to move through the congested streets to reach the temples. Furthermore, now people can also use boats to reach the holy temple and use escalators. Above all, the use of escalators makes it easy for people, especially the elderly to pay visits to the holy temple.

In addition, many ancient temples have been restored in the process without causing any damage to their original structure.  

Watch a video: Have a look at this gives you an aerial view of the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor
Credit: Twitter@ShriVishwanath

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