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A Kashmiri skier takes India to Beijing Winter Olympics

Kashmiri skier takes India to Beijing Winter Olympic


Recommended for Middle Grades

Kashmiri skier takes India to Beijing Winter Olympic

Arif Khan, a Kashmiri skier will take India to Beijing Winter Olympic (2022). At the artificial slopes of Ski Dubai, he made the qualifying task look so easy. He, then, became the only Indian athlete to qualify for the 2022 Winter Olympics.

Arif Khan is a resident of Gulmarg, Srinagar. The journey for him to this point has not been easy. He feels extremely excited to represent our nation in the Winter Olympics. He also does not forget how difficult it was to chase his dreams in 2018, as there was limited support and training. He has pushed his wedding back, in order to prepare for the Olympics.

As a young boy, he took to the sport early on and did really well in junior competitions. His father, a ski guide and a skier introduced his son to skiing and always encouraged him to chase his dreams. His family relies on tourism. They also get some financial support from the ski shop. Khan with his dedication, passion and determination has shown nothing is impossible.

As India has never won a medal in the Winter Olympics, this represents a golden opportunity for us.

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