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Image depicting G7: Leaders Gather to Talk About Making Things Better!

G7: Leaders Gather to Talk About Making Things Better!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young scholar! Let’s dive into the exciting world of the G7 Hiroshima Summit. It’s like a big gathering of superheroes, but instead of capes, they wear fancy suits and talk about important stuff.

The leaders of seven powerful countries are meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, to have a big brainstorming session from May 19-21.

Important Details

  • Now, what’s on the agenda? Well, they’ll be discussing not just money matters, but also politics and some tricky situations happening around the world. One of the hot topics is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. That’s like when your neighbour barges into your house without permission – not cool!
  • China is also causing some raised eyebrows. They’ve been flexing their muscles in the South China Sea and even eyeing Taiwan. It’s like they’re claiming all the cookies in the jar for themselves.
  • But wait, there’s more! North Korea is causing some trouble too with their weapon testing. It’s like they’re trying to break all the toys in the sandbox.
  • The G7, which stands for Group of Seven, is a club of the world’s most powerful democratic countries. It’s like a secret club where only the coolest kids get to hang out. The members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They’ve got a combined GDP of a mind-boggling $40 trillion. That’s a whole lot of allowance money!
  • They started this club back in 1973 when there was an oil crisis, and everyone needed to figure out how to fix the world’s economy. It’s like when your parents gather around the kitchen table to budget for the family.
  • But wait, there’s even more! Other important people are joining the party too. Leaders from Australia, Brazil, Comoros, Cook Islands, India, Indonesia, South Korea, and Vietnam are also invited. 
  • They’ll be talking about a bunch of important things like economic policies, security, climate change, energy, and even gender. It’s like trying to solve all the problems in the world in just a few days. No pressure, right?
  • Oh, and one more thing! The summit is taking place in Hiroshima because it holds a special place in history. It was the first city to be hit by a nuclear bomb during World War II. The leaders will visit the A-bomb museum and meet with survivors. It’s like going on a field trip to learn about the consequences of playing with dangerous toys.
  • So, there you have it, our young reader. The G7 Hiroshima Summit is a gathering of world leaders where they discuss big issues and try to make the world a better place. It’s like a superhero team-up to save the day, but with suits and ties instead of spandex. Let’s hope they come up with some super solutions!

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