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Leading by example – Buzz Aldrin


Recommended for Middle Grades

Leading by example – Buzz Aldrin

We all know Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon. But do you know who was second and with him during the mission? Yes, it was Buzz Aldrin, who is one of the first two people to walk on the Moon.

Buzz Aldrin was born on 20 January 1930 in New Jersey, US. He was born as Edwin Eugene Aldrin Junior. His little sister called him ‘buzzer’ instead of brother. He then officially changed his name to Buzz Aldrin in 1988.

After finishing school he joined the United States Military Academy and graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

In 1951, he joined the Air Force and 2 years later joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He graduated with a PhD degree in aeronautics in 1963.

Buzz was then selected as a member of NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Astronaut Group 3 in 1966. And he was part of the Gemini -12 spaceflight mission.

Buzz Aldrin pilot for the Gemini-12 spaceflight

Buzz Aldrin, pilot for the Gemini-12 spaceflight

The historic walk on the Moon

Later, he was chosen to be part of the historic Apollo 11 crew along with Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins.

On 20 July 1969, Buzz became the 2nd person to step on the Moon after Neil Armstrong.

Buzz Aldrin on the moon

Buzz Aldrin on the moon

They spent 21 hours on the Moon surface and returned with 46 pounds of moon rocks.

Buzz Aldrin has written many books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President Richard Nixon.


Credit: Tasneem

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