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Looking for alien spaceships’ space-time ripples!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Gravitational ripples are sent out into the universe when large objects move through space. Gravitational ripples are easier to see when they come from big objects like planets, stars, and black holes.

Scientists believe that the largest gravitational wave observatory in the world could be utilised to look for ripples left behind by alien spaceships.

The detector would look for waves in the fabric of space-time that the spaceship made as it moved through the universe. 

Key facts!

  • Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) can search beyond conventional sources for space-time waves, say experts.
  • Gravitational waves can be detected by LIGO because they create tiny space-time alterations.
  • The authors think the vibrations could be from alien ships flying at great speeds or using jet motors.
  • If a gravitational wave passes through the Earth, laser light in one arm of the detector will get smaller while laser light in the other arm would bigger.
  • So, there is a small change in the lengths of the paths the beams take to get to the detector.
  • Experts believe that even the strongest gravitational waves only make very small changes to space and time.
  • Because of this, LIGO is very sensitive and needs careful maintenance and calibration to work right.
  • Scientists did the math to figure out the smallest particle that could make gravitational waves that could be clearly seen on Earth.
  • This helped them figure out how much further they could push this sensitivity.
  • Experts express aliens with powerful warp drives would generate distinct gravitational wave patterns.
  • If these alien waves were found, they might give humans clues about how to figure out how the technology works.

Youtube user “TED-Ed” explains gravitational waves.

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