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Image depicting Mars Helicopter Ingenuity

Mars helicopter completes 4th flight, is now on a new mission


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

We have been reading about the Mars helicopter, Ingenuity’s flight on Mars.

Recently, it completed its fourth flight. It went farther & faster than ever before. The helicopter also took more photos of Mars as it flew.

All of its flights have proved that powered, controlled flight is possible on the Red Planet (Mars). Ingenuity has a fifth and final test flight to perform soon.

Originally, proving that it could fly was the only mission that Ingenuity had. However, since it has been so successful, NASA is planning an extra mission for the helicopter.

Ingenuity will scout (fly) ahead of the Perseverance rover to help the rover in its search for past signs of microbial life. NASA wants to use Ingenuity to test how well flyers can help future exploration of Mars and other worlds.

Nighttime on Mars is very cold and Ingenuity was designed to last for only a month. So, scientists are wondering how long Ingenuity will keep working. But till then, we will get to see how much it can do.

What are the other space missions? Which countries or private companies are working on space technology? What are the exciting new discoveries that scientists and astronauts are making? Or how about learning more about NASA, CNSA, ISS, ALMA etc. ? Keep reading our space news for children to discover more about science and space. Keep your curiosity sky high!

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