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Elton John Barbie – Mattel’s latest launch


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Renowned British singer Elton John is getting his very own Barbie doll! Presenting the Elton John Barbie!

This Barbie doll won’t look like Elton John but it will be styled like him.

The Elton John Barbie doll was released to mark the 45th anniversary of Elton’s record-breaking two-day performance at the Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, US in October 1975. At the time, it was the largest concert ever for a single artist.

What does the new Barbie look like?

  • The Barbie is dressed to show Elton’s own very bright and glittery personal style. She wears a glittery top and flared denim pants which have the initials “ET”.
  • She has a jacket that has stars and rainbow stripes. She will also have rainbow-patterned boots, a purple hat and Elton’s famous sparkly pink sunglasses.
  • The Elton John Barbie doll will be sold for only a short period of time on Mattel’s and Walmart’s websites. It costs US$50.
  • Elton John said that this is an honour and hopes it inspires fans to pursue their own dreams.
  • Barbie is a fashion doll made by the American toy company Mattel. It was launched in March 1959 and over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold up to now. Mattel releases special Barbies like these from time to time to honour inspiring celebrities, sportspersons, etc.

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