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Image depicting Amazing birds: Meet the very tall and famous duck - Long Boi

Amazing birds: Meet the very tall and famous duck – Long Boi


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Amazing birds

Today, let’s meet Long Boi. He is a duck who lives at the University of York in England.

Recently, Long Boi has become very famous on the internet. Why? Because of his height.

Long Boi, like his name, is very long. When he stands, he is over 1 metre tall. That’s as tall as a 6-year-old child. This makes him took much bigger than the other ducks around.

Now, Long Boi has his own Instagram and Twitter accounts with thousands of followers. There are notebooks and t-shirts with his photo on them. The University of York is even giving him a special degree which will make him “Doctor Long Boi”.

Amazing birds

Long Boi is a mixture of two types of ducks – a mallard and an Indian Runner. Indian Runner ducks are famous for their large size.

While Long Boi likely isn’t the world’s largest duck, he is still very famous!


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