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Mother’s Day!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Mother’s Day is a special day dedicated to honoring and appreciating mothers and mother figures for their love, care, and sacrifices. Celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May, Mother’s Day in 2023 falls on May 14th.

It is a time when families and communities come together to express their gratitude and love towards mothers.

Cherishing Moms

  • On Mother’s Day, people show their appreciation for mothers in various ways. It is common to give gifts such as flowers, cards, or handmade crafts as a token of love and gratitude. Many families plan special activities or surprises to make their mothers feel cherished and loved.
  • One popular tradition is to treat mothers to a delicious breakfast in bed or a special brunch. Some children may take on the responsibility of cooking or baking something special for their mothers. It is a way to show love and care by preparing a meal or a treat just for her.
  • Mother’s Day is not only a day to celebrate our own mothers but also to acknowledge all mother figures in our lives. This includes grandmothers, aunts, and other women who have played a nurturing role. It is an opportunity to express gratitude for their guidance, support, and love.
  • Throughout the day, families spend quality time together, engaging in activities that their mothers enjoy. It could be going for a nature walk, watching a movie together, or simply having heartfelt conversations. The aim is to make mothers feel special and valued.
  • In schools, children often create handmade cards or small gifts to give to their mothers. They may also participate in classroom activities and discussions to learn about the importance of mothers and motherhood.
  • In conclusion, Mother’s Day is a wonderful occasion to celebrate and honor the love and care that mothers provide. It is a time to express our gratitude and make them feel cherished. By showing our appreciation on this special day, we acknowledge the significant role mothers play in our lives and express our love and admiration for them.

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Comments: 4
  1. varnikagupta says:

    The speech is very good

  2. varnikagupta says:

    The speech is very good

  3. curioustimes says:

    Thanks, Varnika.

  4. arnavsingh says:

    The news is very special

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