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Image depicting NASA Orion images Record-distance Earth & Moon!

NASA Orion images Record-distance Earth & Moon!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

From a distance of a quarter of a million miles, NASA’s Orion spacecraft took pictures of the Earth and Moon. The spaceship took the picture from a distance from Earth which set a new record.

What is NASA Orion?

Orion is a manned spacecraft part of NASA’s Artemis programme.

This is because the picture was taken when the spaceship was the farthest away from Earth that it could be.

Orion spacecraft has already travelled farther than any other human-made spacecraft.

Key facts!

  • In the background of a picture taken by the Artemis I vehicle, users can see both Earth and the Moon.
  • The picture puts Earth in perspective by showing that our planet is just a small dot in a huge universe.
  • When Orion was its farthest point from Earth it took the picture.
  • Artemis I is the first spacecraft that was meant to go this far out.
  • As per astronauts, the preliminary Artemis flight has been better than what NASA expected.
  • Even though the crew has finished forty per cent of the main goals, they are adding more objectives.
  • Returning to Earth is a big part of the rest of the tasks that still need to be done.
  • The Orion spacecraft is set to land off the coast of San Diego in the United States on 11 December.
  • NASA hopes that humans will successfully land on the Moon by 2025 or 2026.
  • Scientists also feel that the way Artemis I is doing now makes it look like the space agency’s work is finally starting to pay off.

NASA takes you around the Moon with Artemis.

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