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NASA’s Cosmic Food Revolution!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once upon a time, in the vastness of space, NASA was on a mission to make astronaut food more exciting. You see, astronauts have a tough job floating around in zero gravity, and their taste buds were getting bored with the same old meals. But fear not, because a New York company called Air Company had a brilliant idea to spice things up!

Air Company, known for making carbon-negative aviation fuel, decided to tackle the challenge of creating food for astronauts. They wanted to find a way to recycle the carbon dioxide that astronauts exhale and turn it into something delicious. So, they invented a system to grow yeast-based nutrients using this recycled carbon dioxide.

The process was no piece of cake, but Air Company’s Chief Technology Officer, Stafford Sheehan, with his fancy doctorate in physical chemistry, cracked the code. He originally developed this technology to make alcohols for jet fuel, perfume, and vodka. But when NASA launched the Deep Space Food Challenge, Sheehan saw an opportunity to use his invention to create edible proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for astronauts.

Important Details

  • The result? A protein shake that tastes like a combination of whey protein and seitan. Now, if you’re wondering what seitan is, it’s a tofu-like food made from wheat gluten. Sheehan’s protein shake had a sweet and malty flavor that made the astronauts’ taste buds dance with joy. Not only that, but the same process could also be used to make carbohydrate substitutes like bread, pasta, and tortillas. Astronauts were in for a treat!
  • NASA recognized Air Company’s groundbreaking innovation and selected them as one of the winners in the food competition. They received a hefty prize of $750,000, which is enough to buy a whole lot of protein shakes. But the competition isn’t over yet, and the final round is still to come. Other winners included a lab from Florida that grew fresh vegetables and even insect larvae, a California invention that used artificial photosynthesis to create plant-based ingredients, and a Finnish technology that produced single-celled proteins using gas fermentation.
  • Now, we know what you’re thinking. This space food might not earn a spot in the Michelin Guide, but it’s definitely a huge leap from the old Tang and freeze-dried snacks astronauts used to munch on. And hey, at least it’s way better than Matt Damon’s fictional poop-fertilized potatoes in The Martian!
  • Feeding astronauts on long-duration missions has always been a challenge. They used to survive on packaged meals and occasional fresh produce deliveries. But with dreams of returning to the moon and exploring Mars, NASA needed a more sustainable and self-contained solution. Plus, these advancements in space food production could also help feed the growing population on Earth, especially when climate change is making food scarce.
  • So, how does Air Company’s system work? It’s quite fascinating. They take the carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts and combine it with hydrogen extracted from water. This mixture is then fed to yeast, which grows and becomes a renewable source of proteins and nutrients. In simpler terms, the carbon dioxide and hydrogen become food for the yeast, which, in turn, becomes food for the astronauts. It’s like a little ecosystem in space!
  • In the end, Air Company isn’t reinventing the wheel or the protein shake. They’re just making them in a more sustainable and out-of-this-world way. Who knew recycling carbon dioxide could lead to such tasty treats? So, the next time you gaze at the stars, remember that even astronauts need their meals to be exciting and delicious. Thanks to Air Company and their carbon-conversion technology, our space explorers will never have a dull meal again. Bon appétit, astronauts!

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