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NASA’s Curiosity Rover finds an ancient oasis on Mars


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Scientists are working with NASA’s Curiosity Rover to put together a picture of how Mars was billions of years ago.

  • The Curiosity Rover was sent to Mars in 2012, to explore the huge Gale crater.
  • After several years of exploration, evidence suggests that around 3.7 billion years ago, a large meteor impact blasted a big crater on Mars’ surface. It also cracked the rock below.
  • As it was a wetter time in Mars’ history, freshwater from rain and snow must have filled up the Gale crater to form lakes, carrying in sand and silt too.
  • This groundwater would have seeped into these cracks in the rocky bottom of the crater.
  • Over time, when the surface of Mars dried up, groundwater still remained trapped below the dusty surface.
  • Sediment patterns show that a lot of water was present at one point in time.

Drilling at the crater has also revealed minerals and other key energy sources that microbes could’ve used to survive.

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