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National Doctor’s Day!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey there! Did you know that there’s a special day to celebrate our superheroes in white coats? It’s called National Doctor’s Day! Yep, we take a whole day to thank these amazing people who help us feel better when we’re sick.

So, let’s dive into the world of doctors and have some fun along the way!

Thankful Heroes: National Doctor’s Day!

  • Doctors are like real-life superheroes. They wear white coats and stethoscopes around their necks, just like Batman wears his cape and utility belt. But instead of fighting bad guys, doctors fight germs and diseases to keep us healthy.
  • On National Doctor’s Day, we honor all kinds of doctors: pediatricians who take care of kids, dentists who make our smiles sparkle, and even surgeons who fix us up when we need a little extra help. They spend years studying in big, fancy universities to learn all about the human body. It’s like they have secret knowledge about our insides!
  • You know, doctors have a secret language too. It’s called “medical jargon,” and it’s full of funny-sounding words that only they understand. Imagine going to the doctor and hearing them say, “You have a case of otitis media.” But don’t worry, it just means you have an ear infection. Doctors use these fancy words to communicate with each other, but sometimes they forget to speak normal kid language to us.
  • So, my little friend, on National Doctor’s Day, we celebrate these incredible people who dedicate their lives to helping us feel better. They give us lollipops after getting a shot (because who doesn’t love lollipops?), listen to our hearts with their stethoscopes, and even make us laugh sometimes to forget about our ouchies.
  • Remember, the next time you visit the doctor, give them a big smile and say thank you. They’re here to help us stay strong and healthy. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll become a doctor too and save the world with your healing powers!

Did you pay tribute to doctors on Curious Times? Check out what our friends are doing here.

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Comments: 2
  1. vedika says:

    Thank you

  2. Omkarkumbhar says:

    Thanks so much

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