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Image depicting Neil Armstrong’s bootprints on the Moon as in they are now protected by US law

Neil Armstrong’s bootprints on the Moon now protected by US law


Recommended for Middle Grades

We have read about Neil Armstrong he was the first man to walk on the Moon. He was able to achieve this on 20 July 1969.

While it has been many years since then, his footprints still remain on the Moon. They will remain there, most likely for millions of years. This is because, unlike Earth, the Moon doesn’t have wind or rain.

On 31 December 2020, the US passed a law called One Small Step to Protect Human Heritage in Space Act.

What does the law say?

Under this law, all companies that work with NASA must protect American landing sites on the Moon. This means important articles related to space history like Armstrong’s footprints and the Apollo 11 lunar lander (which took him to the Moon) will be kept safe.

This law, to protect human history in space, is the first of its kind passed by any country. It is similar to laws protecting important historical places on Earth.

However, but for now, the law applies only to US-related companies and landing sites. Additionally, how such a law can be enforced is still not sure because there are very few agreements regarding space exploration among different countries.

Watch the video of Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon below:


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