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Image depicting Nemo: Meet the new spider named after Pixar's famous fish

Nemo: Meet the new spider named after Pixar’s famous fish


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A new spider

Have you watched the film Finding Nemo? This beloved film tells the story of a clownfish named Marlin, who goes in search of his missing son, Nemo.

Well, Nemo has been found. Not the fish Nemo, but a new spider who looks like Nemo.

Maratus nemo is a new type of peacock spider. It has been given that name because it looks like Nemo from the movie! This new spider is very small in size and has a bright orange face with white stripes on it.

Peacock spiders

Peacock spiders are a type of jumping spider found in Australia. The males are known for their beautiful colours and their dancing.

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Watch a video

Watch a funny video of them ‘dancing’ below. Video credit: Dario Trovato/Youtube

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