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New lessons for curious minds!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Oh, hello there, curious reader! We have some interesting news for you. You won’t believe what’s happening in Indian textbooks. Get ready for some mind-boggling fun!

So, it turns out that the National Council of Educational Research and Training, also known as NCERT, decided to play a little game of “now you see it, now you don’t” with the Class 10 textbooks. They dropped some lessons faster than a hot potato!

You know that thing called the Periodic Table? Well, it vanished from the textbooks like magic! Poof! Gone! Who needs to learn about elements and their properties, right? Chemistry is overrated anyway. Maybe they thought it would be more fun to mix things up randomly in the lab and see what happens. Explosions, anyone?

And guess what else went missing? Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution! Can you believe it? No more learning about how we evolved from monkeys or how plants and animals adapt to survive.

Important Details

  • But wait, it gets interesting. The NCERT also took a giant eraser and wiped out chapters on the contribution of agriculture to the national economy, challenges to democracy, and sustainable management of natural resources.
  • Oh, and here’s a history lesson for you. The NCERT decided to do some creative editing with the Mughal Empire. They removed some pages from the Class 7 textbook that talked about the triumphs of Mughal emperors.
  • But fear not, for not everything is disappearing into thin air. The NCERT claims that the Mughal chapters are still in some other books. It’s like playing hide-and-seek with knowledge. Can you find the missing chapters? Keep those detective skills sharp!
  • Now, let’s talk about a poet who composed a famous song called “Sare Jahan Se Achha.” His name is Muhammad Iqbal. Well, Delhi University’s Academic Council thought it would be Ok to drop him from the political science syllabus. They said he didn’t believe in the song he wrote.
  • All this fuss and controversy led to some heated debates. The NCERT said they were just trying to lighten the load on students and make learning more experiential. But some people accused them of whitewashing history and knowledge with a vengeance.
  • So, reader, keep your eyes open and your mind curious. While some things might disappear from textbooks, remember that knowledge is everywhere. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, explore, and learn beyond what’s written on those pages. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll uncover the missing chapters and rewrite the textbooks with your own adventures!
  • Keep dreaming and keep learning, little genius. The world is your playground, and knowledge is your superpower!

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