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New minerals found thanks to a meteorite!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

A meteorite weighing 15 tonnes was discovered in Somalia. In it, a team of experts was able to identify at least two new minerals that have never been seen on Earth before.

This meteorite is the ninth-largest one ever discovered.

What is a meteorite?

Meteorite is a rock from space that falls to Earth.

Key facts!

  • Experts say that when a new mineral is found, it means that the rock’s geology and chemistry were different from what has been found before.
  • Both of the minerals found came from the same 70-gram piece of rock that was sent to the researchers to study.
  • There are already signs that there may be a third mineral that could also be considered.
  • According to the person in charge of the research, there is a chance that even more would be found if more samples were taken from the huge meteorite.
  • The two new minerals have been given the names elaliite and elkinstantonite.
  • Researchers are still looking into the minerals to see what they can tell us about the conditions in the meteorite when it was made.
  • When a new mineral is found, scientists are also interested in it because it could be used for a wide range of things in society.

Youtube user “Wonder World” shares additional information about the exciting discovery.

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