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Old Buddhist Temple found in Pakistan


Recommended for Secondary Grades

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A 2,000-year-old Buddhist temple is discovered in Swat Valley in Pakistan. This is said to be one of the oldest in the country.

Who was Siddhartha Gautam?

Siddhartha Gautam was popularly known as Gautam Buddha. He was a religious leader who installed the religion of Buddhism

The Buddhist temple is located in the town of Barikot. The structure belongs to 2nd century B.C.E. The archaeologists stated that this temple was built within a few hundred years after the death of Siddhartha Gautam.

About the Buddhist temple

  • The ruins of the Buddhist temple are 10 feet tall. The temple consisted of a platform where there was a stupa in the past. There was a stupa in front of the temple, rooms for the monks, staircases and a courtyard as well.
  • The researchers say that Swat valley was sacred land for Buddhism. Therefore, this Buddhist temple was an important centre of pilgrimage.
  • Along with the old remains of the temple, the research team found coins, jewellery, old statues, seals, and pottery fragments from the temple site.
  • They said that the temple was ruined due to an earthquake and since then it was abandoned.
  • Swat valley has religious importance.
  • Italian archaeologists have been digging in the Swat Valley since 1955.
  • Two Buddhist sanctuaries are revealed at Barikot with a road connecting them to the city centre.
  • Swat valley emerged as a sacred Buddhist centre under the Kushan Empire.
  • It stretched from Afghanistan to Pakistan and to Northern India.

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Check this video about the Buddhist Temple:

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