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Image depicting Oops! Medicine Mistake in Iraq!

Oops! Medicine Mistake in Iraq!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Aloha, my investigative reader! So, there’s this syrup called “COLD OUT” that was made in India to help people when they have a cold or allergies. But, uh-oh, something went wrong with one batch of it!

You know, this syrup is supposed to be helpful and safe, but it was found to have some really bad stuff in it. It had diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol. These are not good for our bodies at all. It can make people very sick and can even cause serious problems that could be fatal.

Syrup Scare Alert!

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) is like a big group of doctors and experts who look out for people’s health. They found out about this bad batch of syrup. They got a sample from Iraq! When they tested it in a laboratory, they saw that it had way too much of those harmful chemicals.
  • Since this syrup could be dangerous, the WHO told everyone to be careful and not use it. They also said that if anyone has already used it and feels sick or weird, they should go see a doctor right away.
  • You know, this syrup might have been sent to other countries too. So the WHO is telling those places to be on the lookout for it and not to let people use it. They want to keep everyone safe, and that’s why they’re being really careful.
  • These chemicals, diethylene glycol, and ethylene glycol, are not good for our bodies. They can hurt us if we swallow them, especially kids. They can cause things like tummy pain, throwing up, diarrhea (yuck!), trouble going pee, headaches, and even hurt our brains and kidneys.
  • So, we need to be really careful about the medicines we take and make sure they are safe. Doctors and health experts are working hard to make sure all medicines are good for us. That’s why they check them before we use them.
  • The WHO is like our superhero friends who look out for us, and they’re telling everyone to be extra careful about this syrup and any other medicines that might have bad stuff in them.
  • Remember, if you ever feel sick or have any problems after taking any medicine, tell a grown-up right away. They’ll make sure you get the help you need. Stay safe and take care, little buddy!

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