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Parasitic vines increase due to climate change


Recommended for Middle Grades

The changing climate is affecting everyone, be it, nature, human beings or animals. Climate change can result in the increase of parasitic vines which are usually found in tropical areas.

What are parasitic plants?

Parasitic plants are those which derive their nutritional requirements from other plants.

Parasitic plants or vines wrap around trees and take all their nutrition, suppressing their growth. Though some of parasitic vines are important for many rainforest ecosystems, a significant rise in the vines can affect the fundamental nature of the ecosystem.

Study on parasitic vines or plants

  • A new study has found an increase in parasitic plants in a rainforest in Queensland, Australia.
  • The scientists paid attention to how the change in the climate is affecting the reproduction of the vines.
  • This part of Australia is expected to get hotter and drier as the change in climate continues.
  • Another study conducted last year found that parasitic plants in rainforests increase when there are more climatic disturbances.
  • The plants are more adapted to colonising disturbed areas.
  • Effects of climate change on the vines
  • Climate change can increase the growth of parasitic vines due to disturbances like cyclones, heat waves or droughts.
  • Such tropical rainforests are important to both global biodiversity and the climate of the planet.
  • The rainforests protect different species and store tons of carbon in soil and plants that would warm up the atmosphere.
  • If the climatic change increases parasitic vines, the forests could suffer as more trees will die.

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