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Parker Solar Probe becomes fastest object ever built


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The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) was launched by NASA in 2018. Its mission was to study the outer corona of the Sun. The corona is the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere.

Parker or PSP is about the size of a small car. Since its launch, it has been flying ever closer to our Sun. Parker is even helping us see other planets, like Venus.

On 29 April, the probe had its closest approach to the Sun (known as “perihelion”). During this journey, Parker was travelling at 330,000 miles per hour (532,000 km/h). That’s fast enough to fly from Earth to the Moon in 40 minutes.

Parker Solar Probe is the fastest-ever human-made object. This new record smashes its own record that it set in February 2020. It is also the closest spacecraft to reach the Sun.

Parker Solar Probe’s journey will continue till 2025 and we expect it to break more speed records in the future.

What are the other space missions? Which countries or private companies are working on space technology? What are the exciting new discoveries that scientists and astronauts are making? Or how about learning more about NASA, CNSA, ISS, ALMA etc. ? Keep reading our space news for children to discover more about science and space. Keep your curiosity sky high!

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