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Image depicting Virtual Reality Artist - Passion Profession!

Virtual Reality Artist – Passion Profession!


Recommended for Careers

Virtual Reality Artist is the one who creates Virtual Reality simulations.

Key facts about Virtual Reality!

  • Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that enables a person to interact with a computer-simulated environment. 
  • This technology enables us to display visual experiences on computer screens or through special stereoscopic displays.
  • Stereoscopy is a film (non-digital) technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image.
  • Then, we can add other sensory information such as sound through speakers or headphones.
  • Virtual reality is used for entertainment and educational purposes.
  • It is used to build video games and also for medical or military training purposes to create simulated environments.
  • The VR experience can be similar to or completely different from the real world.

  How to become a VR Artist?

  • The prime eligibility is to have a software development and technical background.
  • Therefore one must choose a computer science major for graduation.
  • One needs to become familiar with several computer programming languages.
  • Thus, the profession is very similar to a software developer or software engineer.
  • VR development also requires one to be creative.
  • A basic understanding of UX (user experience) design and computer hardware is also important.

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