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Passion Profession – Web designer


Recommended for Careers

Have you ever wondered what a web designer does?

A web designer is someone who prepares content for online websites. This role is mainly related to the styling and layout of pages with content, including text and images.

What do they do exactly?

  • A web designer is responsible for the design, layout and coding of a website. which determines how the site works and how it looks.
  • They also take care of the maintenance of an existing website.
  • Web designers use many technologies but commonly rely on computer languages like PHP, HTML, CSS and additional web design tools.

Books on web design

Qualifications required

Web designing is a well-paying career that requires a creative mind. Technology skills are critical for a web designer to get a job.

  • You’ll need a bachelor’s degree in computer science, communications or business.
  • Or a college program in computer science, graphic arts, web design or business.
  • Training to be a web designer requires between two and four years.

If you have a creative background, you will find it easier to learn web design because being a web designer means that you are required to be in tune with the changes in technology.

Are you creative and would like to work with computers? Tell us about it.

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