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Powerful tornadoes affect states in the US


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Powerful tornadoes affect states in the US

Some of the states in the United States (US) have recently been greatly impacted by tornadoes. The places impacted include Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee. The US President described this event to be the largest storm break in the history of the US.

What is a tornado?

Tornadi is a violent storm accompanied by strong winds that blow in a circle

Extent of damage

News reports indicate that many people are missing, towns have been destroyed and a large number of people have been affected.  Furthermore, reports indicate one of the tornadoes accompanied winds in excess of 200 km per hour.

Emergency Services

Ambulances, doctors, emergency services, rescue operations are going on to save lives. Above all, reports indicate that the state authorities are doing the best they can during this time of emergency.

Here is a short video explaining tornadoes.



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