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Rohingya refugees sue Facebook for $150 billion


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Rohingya refugees in the US filed a case against the Facebook platform for more than $150 billion.

Who are Rohingya refugees?

Rohingya refugess are a muslim group forced to flee away from Myanmar due to violence in 2017.

After fleeing away from Myanmar, one million people lived in refugee camps in Bangladesh. Around 10,000 people ended up fleeing to the United States of America.

How did the violence start?

Facebook was launched in Myanmar in 2011. It was the time when the people of Myanmar were introduced to the internet.

Rohingya refugees claim that there were hateful and violent posts on Facebook that resulted in violence against the Muslim group in Myanmar. The violence turned so severe that the people of the Muslim ethnic group had to flee away.

Approximately, 10,000 Muslims were killed in Myanmar in 2017, which is a Buddhist majority state.

What did Rohingya refugees do?

Lawyers filed a complaint against Facebook in the USA and the UK. In the report filed in California,  refugees said that since Facebook was launched in Myanmar, it was used to spread hate, misinformation and violence amongst the Muslim groups.

The Rohingya refugees also claimed that Facebook failed to stop the pages, fake accounts and posts that spread hate towards the Muslim community.

Facebook quotes on Rohingya Refugees

Facebook replied to the complaints filed by the Rohingya group. They expressed their concern towards the Rohingya refugees. They also said that they have formed a team and they will take action against the people who are spreading misinformation in Myanmar.

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