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image depicting Saudi Arabia launches its first-ever women's football league

Saudi Arabia launches its first-ever women’s football league


Recommended for Middle Grades

On 22 November, Saudi Arabia launched its first-ever women’s football league. This is a big step towards encouraging football as a career for women in the country.

Important Details

  • Saudi Arabia is known for having many restrictions on women. In the past, women were not allowed to drive or travel on their own. But now, things seem to be changing.
  • Since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power in 2017, there have been some changes.
  • Women are now allowed to drive and travel by themselves.
  • Similarly, for many years, there was a ban on female footballers but that was removed a few years ago.
  • Now, the country is aiming to develop a national team strong enough to play at major international tournaments.
  • Saudi Arabia has also appointed Monika Staab of Germany as head coach of the women’s national team.
  • The women’s team is currently preparing for its first friendly match in February 2022.
  • The football league will have 16 teams. And the matches will be held in the cities of Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam.
  • The teams will play against each other and then, there will be a Kingdom Final Championship next year in the city of Jeddah.
  • The women’s football league is giving many young women hopes that someday they can go on to play at the top clubs and tournaments of the world.

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