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Scientists discover sharks that can walk


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little explorers! Did you know that sharks, those big and toothy creatures of the sea, have been up to some pretty incredible tricks? First, we learned about some glowing sharks, like stars of the ocean! And now, guess what?

Scientists have found some sharks that can walk! Yup, you heard it right, these sharks are like ocean walkers! Isn’t that just jaw-droppingly amazing?

Let’s dive into the past a bit. A long time ago, people used to think sharks could only swim and swim and swim. But then, these super-smart scientists put on their thinking goggles and decided to take a closer look. They found not just one, but four new types of walking sharks!

These scientists wrote down all their cool discoveries in a special book called a “journal,” and it’s called the “Marine and Freshwater Research” journal.

Sharks’ Funky Fin-Walk!

  • So, here’s the scoop. These walking sharks aren’t using their paws or legs like we do. Instead, they’re using their special “pelvic fins,” which are like their backside flippers. These fins are strong and wiggly, helping them take small steps along the sandy floor of the ocean. Imagine sharks doing a silly dance with their back fins – it’s like an underwater ballet!
  • Now, you might be wondering how long these sharks have been doing their funky fin-walk. Well, hold onto your seahorses, because the scientists figured it out!
  • Sharks have actually been “walking” around for a super long time – at least nine million years! That’s even before the time of our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandsharks! Some of the younger walking shark species are like the new kids on the block, showing up just two million years ago. So, it seems like they learned this cool trick a looooong time ago and passed it down to their sharky descendants.
  • Alrighty, let’s wrap this up with a big splash of understanding. These walking sharks teach us that animals are super good at changing and adapting. Just like how we put on different clothes for different weather, these sharks changed their ways to fit into their watery world.
  • The oceans can sometimes be a bit tricky, with currents and waves, so these sharks decided, “Hey, let’s give walking a try!” And guess what? They nailed it!
  • So, next time you’re near the ocean, keep an eye out for any fin-tapping dance parties happening down there. Those could be our walking shark friends, practicing their moves and having a blast.
  • And let’s not forget, it’s kind of like a secret club – only the sharks that live in eastern Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia know the dance moves. So, if you ever meet a walking shark, give them a high fin and tell them, “You’re fin-tastic!”
  • Remember, just like these walking sharks learned new things, we can also learn and grow every day. And who knows, maybe one day we’ll have a dance-off with those underwater dancers – well, with our feet and their fins, of course!

So, keep being curious, keep exploring, and keep being as awesome as a shark doing the moonwalk in the ocean! Keep shining, little stars of the sea!

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