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Image depicting Perseverance rover taking a photo from Mars,

Photo from Mars – See the Mars rover’s latest selfie with the Mars helicopter


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Here comes a photo from Mars. Let’s read who took this picture and how?

NASA’s newest rover on Mars is named Perseverance. It landed on Mars in February. Since then, it has been exploring Mars. It has also sent many photos from there to Earth.

Perseverance’s latest photo is a ‘selfie’ with the Mars helicopter!

This small helicopter is called Ingenuity. Ingenuity was sent along with the rover to Mars. NASA will try to fly the helicopter soon. If it does fly, it will be the first-ever helicopter flight on Mars!

 What can you see in the selfie photo from Mars?

You can see the rover, which is still looking pretty clean after its landing in February. At the back, you can see the small helicopter, which looks like a black spot.

Perseverance used its robotic arm to take 62 images for the selfie.

Watch a video of the Mars helicopter below:

The mission to Mars is one of the most interesting things happening in space technology today. NASA and many other government and private companies are trying to find new ways of exploring the Red Planet. With Mars sharing a few similarities to Earth, scientists and researchers are excited about the possibility of travelling and perhaps living on Mars someday. Keep reading Curious Times for fascinating updates on space technology, research and space news for kids. Keep your curiosity sky high.

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