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South Africa’s anti-apartheid idol, Desmond Tutu dies


Recommended for Middle Grades

Desmond Tutu, South Africa’s anti-apartheid idol dies at the age of 90. 

Desmond Tutu supported the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa alongside Nelson Mandela.

What is anti-apartheid movement?

Anti-apartheid movement was a British organization that has conducted activities to oppose the South-African apartheid.

Desmond Tutu was an important personality behind the anti-apartheid movement. He proposed to end the policy of apartheid. Apartheid is a system of separatism on the basis of skin colour.

The discrimination of people based on their skin colour continued for 21 years. Racial discrimination was imposed by white people on black people.

Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel prize in 1984 for his role in the trials of removing racial discrimination based on skin colour.

He’s known as an extraordinary man who became an anti-apartheid hero. Nelson Mandela Foundation has remembered him for his struggles against injustice.

He’s truly a man of his words and actions. A true leader.

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