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Studying climate change? These seals are great ‘assistants’


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Climate change

We read about global warming and glacier melt quite often. Antarctica plays an important role in Earth’s climate system. So, scientists are studying how environmental changes there will affect other parts of the world.

But, as we know, Antarctica is a very cold place. It is frozen and very difficult to get around, especially in winter. So, what can scientists do? They are getting help from seals!

Antarctica is home to millions of seals. These seals have gotten used to the harsh environment and can live there all year round.

The project

A team of scientists from the University of St Andrews, in Scotland, have fitted Weddell and southern elephant seals with sensors. These devices are not harmful to the seals. They are helping collect data as the seals travel to different places and live their lives.

The seals live around the Amundsen Sea in West Antarctica, This is where two of the fastest melting glaciers are located. They are Pine Island Glacier and Thwaites Glacier.

The sensors collect information about the water the seals swim in – the depth, temperature, and salinity (saltiness) of the water. Then, when the seals are on land, the data from the sensors are sent to the scientists via satellites.

The information helps scientists to understand what is happening to the seas in Antarctica as glaciers are melting due to climate change.


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