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Image depicting Supreme Court criticises Army's criteria for women officers

Supreme Court criticises Army’s criteria for women officers


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Earlier, in February 2020, we had read about the Supreme Court declaring that women officers in the Indian Army were eligible to get permanent commissions. The government was given 3 months to implement the order.

What is a permanent commission?

A permanent commission means a career in the Army until you reach retirement age.

In a new ruling, the Supreme Court has come down hard on the Indian Army. It criticised what it called “male for male” structures in the army. The Court said that this unequal structure has stopped several deserving women officers from being considered for permanent commission.

After the February 2020 ruling, the army said that only 277 women out of the current 615 women short-service commission officers (WSSCOs) could be granted permanent commission.

Then, 86 women officers had approached the Supreme Court. They said that the criteria (rules/standards) that the selection board had for women officers was unfair. And discriminated against them, as compared to male officers.

What did the Supreme Court say?

The Supreme Court has ruled that the remaining women officers should get a second chance. It also praised the women officers for their hard work and service despite so many obstacles.


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