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Textile Parks Coming to Several Indian States!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Indian government wants to make some new parks in different states of India for making clothes. These are also called “Textile Parks”.

The central government will provide financial support to these parks. In addition, the state governments will provide land and other facilities to create world-class infrastructure.

The government hopes that by making these parks, India will become a better place for making clothes and selling them to other countries.

Key facts!

  • Firstly, the Indian government is setting up seven mega textile parks called PM MITRA Parks in different states.
    • These states include Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Telangana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
    • Further, these parks will help the textile industry to become more competitive and attract more companies to manufacture in India.
  • Secondly, these parks will have everything that is needed to make clothes, like machines and places to work.
    • Importantly, the initiative hopes to create job opportunities and help India become a global hub for textile manufacturing and exports.
    • In addition to helping the clothes-making industry in India become better.
  • Also, the government desires that people from other countries will invest money in these parks.
    • As a result, people from other countries will give money to help make the parks better and create more jobs.

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