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Image depicting The flower that eats insects - Venus flytrap

The flower that eats insects – Venus flytrap


Recommended for Foundational Grades

The carnivorous plant called the Venus flytrap

What are carnivorous plants?

Carnivorous plants are a special type of plant that captures and eat insects and other animals. Today, there are about 800 carnivorous plants in the world.

The Venus flytrap is a flowering plant. Its leaves look like they are semi-folded. These leaves remain open and have teeth-like features along the edges. They can sense when insects are nearby.

When an insect lands on the leaf, the leaf shuts. Then it remains shut for about 10 days as it digests (eats) the insect. It opens again only after that.

Where can you find this plant?

The Venus flytrap is found in a small region of North and South Carolina in the US. It is commonly found in damp mossy places. People like to keep it for decoration at home too.

But, sadly, due to this, many Venus flytraps are being taken from the wild to be sold. So, it is becoming less in the wild.

See a video below of the Venus flytrap. Video credit: Another Perspective/Youtube


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