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Image depicting The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Recommended for Foundational Grades

The Little Prince is a narrative of loneliness, companionship, despair, and love. It is written in an honest and beautiful way.

The original story was written in French, but it has been translated into English.

Interesting facts about The Little Prince!

  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of The Little Prince was a pilot.
  • During World War II, his plane was shot down while he was flying a mission.
  • The plane vanished somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea. The main idea of the story is inspired by what happened to Antoine.
  • The prince is a young child who hails from a planet so small that it may be classified as an asteroid.
  • He explores the universe, going from world to planet in search of knowledge.
  • During his travels, he has an eye-opening experience regarding the unpredictability of grownups. 
  • The Little Prince is a wonderful narrative that some people will find to be joyous, while others will find to be sad.
  • It is the author’s hope that all the adults would never forget that they were also children at one point in their lives.
  • It’s a magnificent novel that will inspire you to create castles in the sky.
  • The Little Prince is a short book with only ninety-eight pages.

Sundays could be fun days with the Little Prince! Sit back, relax and check out “The Little Prince” on Netflix.

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