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image depicting The "magic" behind the weird natural occurrence of magnetic hills, curious times

The “magic” behind the weird occurrence of magnetic hills


Recommended for Middle Grades

Have you read about gravity hills or magnetic hills?

These are amazing places around the world where things seem to work against gravity. Here, instead of going downhill, cars and bikes seem to drift uphill, and cyclists struggle to push themselves downhill. It is such an amazing occurrence that people believed it was due to witchcraft and magic.

But are magnetic hills really magic?

No, they are not. While it seems like magic, there is actually a proper explanation for it. It is all because of a very good optical illusion. An optical illusion is an image that tricks the eye and makes you think you can see something but doesn’t really exist.

In the case of magnetic hills, measurements with scientific instruments show that what looks uphill is actually downhill in reality!

Watch a video of a magnetic hill in Pittsburgh, US. Video credit: PraveenMohan/Youtube


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