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‘The Mousetrap’ is the longest-running play in history


Recommended for Middle Grades

Have you heard of the mystery play called The Mousetrap? It is considered to be the longest-running play in history.

This world record-breaking production has attracted audiences from every corner of the globe. It opened in 1952 in London’s West End theatre. It ran till 2020 when it had to be shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who wrote the mystery play, The Mousetrap?

This play was written by famous mystery author Agatha Christie.

The drama became the longest-running show in British theatre history as early as April 1958. It is considered to be something that is a must-see if you visit London. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was considered to be a big tourist attraction.

What is the play about?

In the play, Agatha Christie created an atmosphere of suspense. The play is a curious mixture of 1950s drawing-room comedy and murder mystery. It has a twist ending, which the audience are traditionally asked not to talk about after leaving the theatre.


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