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Interesting topics for kids: Invention of the lollipops!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Most of us have our favourite lollipops. Do you know the story behind it? Let us find out!

Why is it called ‘lollipop’?

  • In the 1880s, a chocolate maker in the US found that putting candies on a stick made them easier to eat.
  • One of his customers, George Smith and his friend Andrew Bradley liked this idea and started to make such candies at their company called Bradley Smith Company.
  • George Smith had a favourite horse named Lolly Pop, after whom he named the stick candy.

What about the lollipop-making machine?

  • Lollipop manufacturing became very popular in California, US.
  • However, Samuel Born became the first person to automate the lollipop making process.
  • He invented the Born Sucker machine in 1916, which made lollipops.
  • The city of San Francisco honoured Samuel for his invention.

Today, the latest lollipop machines can make more than 5,900 lollipops per minute!

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