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Image depicting The sun guides Monarch Butterflies on their seasonal migration

The sun guides monarch butterflies during migration


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The sun guides monarch butterflies during seasonal migration

What are Monarch Butterflies?

Monarch butterflies are black, orange, and white. Its wings are orange and black striped and have white dots on the edge. Let us know a little more about what makes them so special. 

Monarch Butterflies and their seasonal migration

Monarch butterflies are a type of butterfly that typically travel from North America to Mexico. The movement of animals and insects from one place to another helps them to survive as the weather changes. It is called seasonal migration.

Over the course of time, they are the most studied and noticeable species amongst butterflies.    

Scientists have recently discovered that Monarch Butterflies use the sun on their long-distance travels.  Monarch butterflies have cells in their body that orient or shift themselves depending on the direction of the sun and give direction.

It is hard for even researchers to imagine long-distance travel without using modern navigation devices. This is what fascinates the researchers towards studying Monarch Butterflies.

In the near future, researchers plan to study the Monarch Butterflies in their natural environment to gain a better understanding of this special ability.

Watch a video: Check out this interesting video on Monarch Butterflies
Credit: Youtube user / National Geographic

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