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The world’s whitest paint can help fight climate change


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The world’s whitest paint

White colours reflect sunlight while black colours absorb it. That is why you feel hotter when you wear dark clothes during summer.

Scientists have recently invented the whitest white colour yet. This white colour reflects 98.1% of all light that hits it. This means it remains much cooler than its surroundings, even when sitting in full sunlight.

Its inventors are from Purdue University in the US. Last year, they had invented another white colour that reflected 95% of sunlight but now they have improved on that.

The new white colour was created from barium sulfate. The inventors say that the paint could be used to fight against global warming and climate change.

Its potential uses

Today, due to increasingly hot weather, people use air conditioners (AC) more than ever. But the use of ACs contributes to global warming, making it worse.

So, this new world’s whitest paint can be used to paint the outside of buildings. That way, they will absorb less sunlight and remain cooler. This would cut down the need for ACs. In their experiments, the inventors found that the white paint cools buildings better than most central ACs used in houses.


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