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These French bunnies walk on their two front legs


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We know that bunnies (rabbits) usually hop to move about. But not this rabbit.

The Alfort jumper (or sauteur d’Alfort) is a type of rabbit found in France. It doesn’t hop at all!

It usually walks about on four legs. But when it wants to travel further or faster, it lifts its back feet above its head and walks on its two front paws.

When this ability was discovered in 1935, scientists were amazed. Now, after many years, they have finally understood why. It is due to a unique gene that only these bunnies have.

What is a gene?

A gene is a part of the DNA in a cell that controls the physical development and behaviour of an individual plant or animal. It is passed on from parents to children.

What is even more amazing is that this study is also helping scientists understand a lot more about how humans and animals move.

Watch this rabbit walk below. Video credit: Science News/Youtube



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There are so many animals in the world. Some live on land, some on trees, some in water and some fly up in the sky. Some are fun and playful and some quite dangerous too. Sometimes they work in teams but some prefer to be alone. But if we look carefully there is so much we can learn from them too! Can you think of some of the qualities that you love about animals? Read our animal news for kids for more interesting animal stories.

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