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Weather: This March was the third warmest March in 121 years


Recommended for Middle Grades

Weather update

As per the India Meteorological Department (IMD), India saw its third warmest March this time in 121 years. 2010 and 2004 were the other two warmest years.

What is the India Meteorological Department (IMD)?

The IMD is an Indian government agency under the Ministry of Earth Sciences. It is responsible for meteorological observations and weather forecasting.

The monthly maximum temperature recorded in India last month was 32.65 degrees Celsius. The normal is 31.24 degrees (reference with 1980-2010). This also made March 2021 the warmest since 2011 in the country.

The minimum and mean temperatures recorded over India last month were also above normal. Several parts of the country had recorded temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius in March.

Current trend

Experts said that both the day and night temperatures during the second half of March showed an increasing trend.  This was observed on a day-to-day basis and was not due to any particular weather.

They also said that what was worrying about the weather was the below normal rainfall reported in March. This was in most of the country.


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