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Three scientists share 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for work on black holes


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The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three scientists for their important discoveries on black holes. They are Roger Penrose (from the UK), Reinhard Genzel (Germany) and Andrea Ghez (US).

Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape from them.

Penrose will be awarded half the prize for proving that black holes must be a physical reality. This proves Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Penrose is well known for working together with fellow physicist Stephen Hawking on black holes. Hawking’s contributions are also mentioned by the Nobel committee.

The other half will be shared by Genzel and Ghez. They discovered a supermassive black hole in the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

Ghez is only the fourth woman to win a Nobel physics prize (out of more than 200 winners since 1901). She hopes that she can inspire other young women in the field

Yesterday they announced the Nobel Prize for Medicine. That is the first of the Nobel Prizes awarded each year.

They will announce the Nobel Prize in Chemistry by the end of the day. It will be followed by the Literature Prize on Thursday and the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. The final prize, for economics, will be announced on Monday, 12 October 2020.

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