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Image depicting Tokyo Paralympics - Manoj Sarkar wins bronze

Tokyo Paralympics: Manoj Sarkar wins bronze


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Tokyo Paralympics: Manoj Sarkar wins bronze

Tokyo Paralympics games exceeded the expectations of the World in terms of the organisation amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, it also witnessed a record number of firsts for several countries.

Important Details

  • India’s Manoj Sarkar won bronze in Badminton, and he felt it was no less than a gold medal. He defeated an opponent from Japan in the men’s singles SL3 event at the games.
  • Manoj does mention that his dream of winning gold remains unfulfilled but he will try hard at the games in Paris 2024.
  • Manoj feels that people’s view has improved remarkably of the Paralympics after India’s remarkable performance at the games.
  • He fondly mentions that “People now call us persons with super ability!
  • He added, being physically challenged is no longer considered a negative and more and more parents recognise and accept this.

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