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Image depicting 'Tomb of Sand' wins International Booker Prize!

‘Tomb of Sand’ wins International Booker Prize!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

We have some super-duper exciting news for you! Get ready to hear all about the prestigious International Booker Prize! It’s like the grandest award for authors from all around the world. And guess who won it in 2022? Geetanjali Shree, an awesome Indian novelist! How cool is that?

Geetanjali Shree wrote a fantastic book called “Ret Samadhi” in Hindi, and it came out in 2018. But you know what’s even more amazing? The book got translated into English by a talented person named Daisy Rockwell. And when it was published in the United Kingdom, it got a new English title called “Tomb of Sand.” Isn’t that a mysterious and intriguing name?

Important Details

  • Let’s learn some fun facts about Geetanjali Shree! She was born in Mainpuri, and guess what? She’s 65 years old! Wow, age is just a number when it comes to creating fabulous stories. Geetanjali Shree has actually written four other novels too. She believes that art can break boundaries and connect people from different cultures. Isn’t that a wonderful thought?
  • Now, let’s talk about the story of “Tomb of Sand.” It’s all about the incredible journey of an 80-year-old woman. After her husband passed away, she decided to go to Pakistan. Why, you ask?
  • Well, she wanted to face the memories and experiences she had during the Partition when she was just a teenager. It’s a journey of self-discovery and redefining what it means to be a mother, a daughter, and a woman. Isn’t that thought-provoking?
  • Geetanjali Shree believes that her success isn’t just about her, but it represents the entire culture of literature in South Asia. That means her achievement is a big high-five to all the amazing authors and storytellers from that part of the world. How awesome is that?
  • Remember, our curious reader, reading is an incredible adventure. So keep exploring new books and let your imagination run wild. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the one winning an amazing prize for your own fantastic stories!

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