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Many Students Struggle To Move to Next Grade!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! We’ve got some interesting news to share with you today! Did you know that there are millions of students who struggle to make it to the next grade? That’s right!

According to the Ministry of Education, a whopping 35 lakh Class 10 students in India failed or dropped out and couldn’t move on to Class 11. So, let’s find out why!

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The Ministry of Education helps make sure all kids like you get to learn and grow in school, making learning fun and fair for everyone!

Important Details

  • When it comes to Central Boards like CBSE and CISCE, the failure rate is only as low as 5%. But in the State Boards, it jumps up as high as 16%! That’s a big difference? Out of those 35 lakh students, 27.5 lakh just couldn’t pass their exams, while 7.5 lakh didn’t even bother showing up for the test.
  • It seems like the different Boards teach different things, especially in tricky subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This makes it hard for everyone to take the same tests and get into big universities or become doctors. So, the Ministry of Education wants to check which Boards do well in these tests, like NEET, and which ones need some extra help.
  • But guess what? Only 4.5 lakh students who fail or miss their exams go for a different kind of school called National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). Even there, the failure rates are sky-high, ranging from 47% to 55%! The Ministry of Education thinks more students should try this open schooling thing to catch up and learn some interesting skills.
  • Oh, and get this! Only 11 states are responsible for 85% of the dropouts, which is almost 30 lakh students! Can you believe it? These states are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Assam, West Bengal, Haryana, and Chhattisgarh. Looks like they need some extra help in keeping their students in school.
  • So, the Ministry of Education wants to make all the Boards fair and square by setting up a special group called PARAKH. They’ll check everyone’s exams and make sure they’re all on the same page. That way, kids from different states will have the same chances to shine and show off their smartness. Isn’t that awesome?
  • Oh, and one more thing. State Boards have fewer trained teachers, with only 10 teachers per school on average. That’s not a lot, is it? The experts at the Ministry of Education think they should hire more teachers and give them special training so they can teach even better. They also want to improve those open school exams. Maybe those 7.5 lakh students who are not taking exams could join some fun skill-based training programs and still stay in the education net.
  • The Ministry of Education is working hard to make things better for everyone. They want all the Boards to be fair, the exams to be good, and the teachers to be super-duper trained.
  • Let’s hope they succeed because every student, no matter where they live, deserves a chance to shine bright like a shooting star!

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