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Image depicting Typhoon Noru batters Vietnam!

Typhoon Noru batters Vietnam!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, eager mind! Guess what? There’s been a wild adventure happening in Vietnam! It’s all about a big, bad storm called Typhoon Noru. This storm made landfall near a popular beach resort, and boy, did it bring some crazy weather!

Let us tell you all about it.

Typhoon Noru: Vietnam’s Brave Encounter

  • So, Typhoon Noru came crashing into Vietnam at 5:00 a.m. one day in September. But get this—it had just caused a lot of trouble in the Philippines before heading over to Vietnam. Talk about a storm on a mission! By the time it reached Vietnam, it had lost a little bit of its power, but it was still super strong, with winds going up to a whopping 175 kilometers per hour! That’s like having an extreme hurricane party!
  • Now, when a storm this intense hits, you gotta be safe, right? That’s why the authorities in Vietnam made some important decisions. They told over 100,000 homes with around 400,000 people to move away from the coast. Can you imagine how many people that is? It’s like a whole city going on vacation!
  • And it didn’t stop there! They also told more than 50,000 boats filled with people to move to safer places. That’s a lot of boats! And they even told 11,000 fishermen that they couldn’t go out to sea. Why? Well, they knew the storm would bring big waves, strong winds, and lots of flooding. No fish for dinner, I guess!
  • Now, from all this information, we can tell that Typhoon Noru was a real troublemaker. It caused a whole bunch of chaos and made people leave their homes and boats behind. But the good news is, the government and the authorities were smart and took action to keep everyone safe. They knew exactly what to do!
  • So there you have it, my little adventurer. Typhoon Noru came, it made some noise, and it caused quite a stir. But the brave people of Vietnam and their leaders knew how to handle it. They made sure everyone stayed safe and protected. And guess what? The storm didn’t stick around forever—it moved further into Southeast Asia. But even as it moved away, the coast still had to deal with its powerful winds.
  • Remember, storms like this can be scary, but as long as we listen to the authorities and stay safe, we’ll be just fine. Stay curious, my friend, and keep exploring the world around you. Who knows what other adventures are waiting for us?

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